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Projects - Contaminated Land

Examples of contaminated land projects undertaken by AdvanSci staff include:

Radiological assessment of former gas mantle works
Client:   Confidential
Scope:   Advice to the owner and tenants of an industrial estate built on a former gas mantle works regarding risks from buried thorium wastes
Assessment of risks from use of uranium catalyst at former gasworks
Client:   Confidential
Scope:   Assessment of risks and remedial design for redevelopment of former gasworks which used depleted uranium catalyst for the production of oil gas
Groundwater activation risk assessment
Client:   Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Scope:   Preliminary radiological environmental risk assessment for activation of soil and groundwater beneath a proposed high energy laser particle accelerator
Strategic advice on management of contaminated land
Client:   Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
Scope:   Advice on basis for national and international contaminated land remedial targets, to inform dialogue with regulators on proportionate regulatory controls for nuclear sites approaching their end state
Independent peer review of Rosyth FDSR
Client:   Babcock Marine
Scope:   Peer review of Final Decommissioning Safety Report prior to planned submission in support of an application to delicence the majority of Rosyth Royal Dockyard
Independent peer review of Silo monitoring report
Client:   Dounreay Site Restoration Limited
Scope:   Peer review of report on 3-year monitoring programme to provide reassurance that there is no potential leakage from an ILW storage silo
Investigation and remediation of a major solvent spill
Client:   Safety-Kleen
Scope:   Investigation and remediation of hydrocarbon-based solvent contamination at a licensed transfer station
Land Quality Assessments of two rail maintenance depots
Client:   Bombardier Transportation
Scope:   Land Quality Assessments of two major rail maintenance depots, including geoenvironmental investigations, quantitative risk assessments, remedial scoping, flood risk and traffic impact assessments, and advice on minimisation of liabilities through the sales and divestiture process

These are just examples to illustrate the range of work performed. For further information on any of these projects, or our other experience, please contact us.

