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About Us

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AdvanSci was established in 2011 by Dr Trevor Jones, a Chartered professional with an engineering, geology, wastes, contaminated land and environmental management background and 39 years’ wide-ranging consultancy experience. The company offers a broad spectrum of technical expertise including:

  • radioactive, non-radioactive and hazardous waste strategy and management
  • assessment and management of radioactively and chemically contaminated land
  • Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM)
  • evaluation and management of environmental liabilities
  • licensing and liaison with regulators
  • environmental risk and reputation management
  • assessment and mitigation of environmental impacts
  • geoenvironmental engineering and hydrogeology
  • durability of cement, concrete and other geomaterials

Through its network of Associates, AdvanSci also offers capabilities in related fields, such as radiation protection, radioactive waste transport and nuclear safety, plus the depth and breadth of resources to peer review work internally for quality purposes, and to manage larger and more resource-intensive projects.

In addition, AdvanSci provides specialist support to other consultancies or contractors where this is mutually beneficial and delivers best value for the client.

AdvanSci's Values

AdvanSci believes that good relationships are the key to successful business.  We operate around the core principles of:

  • collaboration
  • trust
  • responsibility
  • professionalism
  • technical excellence
  • adding value

AdvanSci strives to develop and maintain long-term relationships with its clients, Associates and suppliers based around these values.

We are proud to be a signatory to the NDA’s Supply Chain Charter.

NDA supply chain charter