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AdvanSci definition

AdvanSci is a specialist applied scientific and engineering consultancy which provides strategic and technical services in the fields of:

  • radioactive, non-radioactive and hazardous wastes management
  • permitting and compliance of radioactive waste treatment and disposal facilities
  • assessment and management of radioactively and chemically contaminated land
  • nuclear decommissioning
  • nuclear new build
  • Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM)
  • conventional and alternative energy
  • environmental liability management and due diligence

AdvanSci aims to combine leading scientific principles and practical engineering with a detailed understanding of the regulatory and market context to provide commercially focused, holistic consultancy services.  We strive to form long-lasting relationships with our clients which deliver enduring value to their businesses.

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Radiation Protection Today

Radiation Protection Today, Summer 2023 Trevor Jones is the Editor of Radiation Protection Today, the magazine of the Society for Radiological Protection. The Summer 2023 issue is now available, featuring articles on changes in the radiological protection landscape in the 60 years since SRP's foundation. Click here to view the online edition.

SRP Founders' Medal

SRP Founders' Medal 2023 Dr Trevor Jones is honoured to have been awarded the Society for Radiological Protection Founders' Medal for "contributions of distinction to radiological protection". He was presented with the award by SRP President Jennifer Humphries at the Society's 2023 Annual Conference in Aberdeen.

Lecturing at Birmingham

University of Birmingham Trevor Jones is a Visiting Lecturer in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Birmingham, and taught on the MSc Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management course in 2023. He also lectured on the Nuclear Technology Education Consortium (NTEC) MSc module "Management of the decommisioning process".

Introduction to NORM webinar

The Society for Radiological Protection Trevor Jones delivered a webinar entitled "Introduction to Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM)" to the Society for Radiological Protection on 21 January 2021. Please contact us if you would like a transcript.